TED Talk Discussions
TED Talks are videos that present a great idea in 18 minutes or less. Scientists, researchers, technologists, business leaders, artists, designers and other world experts present “Ideas Worth Spreading”: valuable new knowledge and innovative research in their fields.
AAUW members listen to TED Talks on a selected theme either on their own or in a group and then meet to discuss the topic. Links to the selected TED Talks are sent to participants one week before the group meeting.
See the newsletter for the current schedule and how to RSVP. Meetings are held quarterly. The selections from the past give a good overview of the type of topics covered. If you would like to host a discussion, contact Stefanie Capps.
TED Talks discussed by AAUW Petaluma
June 2024
A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship | Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin • May 2015
What makes a good life? The longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger • November 2015
What makes a friendship last? | Mona Chalabi • October 2021
April 2024
Climate Change and the Ocean
Is Climate change slowing down the ocean? | Susan Lozier • July 2023
The ocean's ingenious climate solutions | Susan Ruffo |• October 2021
How pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry | Triona McGrath • February 2016
What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know | Al Gore • July 2023
A critical look at geoengineering against climate change | David Keith • September 2007
January 2024
Kiss Perfection Goodbye + Peter’s Spies
Birds aren't real? How a conspiracy takes flight (Peter McIndoe | TED2023)
Life is hard. Art helps (Liana Finck | TED2023)
Why you should embrace mediocrity (Crispin Thurlow | TEDxBasel)
How stress drains your brain — and what to do about it (Nicole Byers | TEDxSUNYUpstate)
How to do laundry when you're depressed (KC Davis | TEDxMileHigh)
Teach girls bravery, not perfection (Reshma Saujani | TED2016)
November 2023
Immigration and Refugees from the Perspective of Women
Don’t feel sorry for refugees, believe in them (Luma Mufleh/April 2017)
The fundamental right to seek asylum (Melanie Nezer/March, 2019)
What does it mean to be a refugee (Benedetta Berti & Evelien Borgman/january 2018)
Immigrant voices make democracy stronger (Sayu Bhojwani/September 2016)
September 2023
AI: Friend or Foe?
Why AI is incredibly smart and shockingly stupid
How does artificial intelligence learn?
The urgent risks of runaway AI
Could an Orca Give a Ted Talk
The inside story of ChatGPT’s astonishing potential
May 2023
A Deeper Dive into Gender Identity
The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain (Karissa Sanbonmatsu | TEDWomen 2018)
A short history of trans people's long fight for equality (Samy Nour Younes | TED Residency)
The gender-fluid history of the Philippines (France Villarta | TED@WellsFargo)
How to talk (and listen) to transgender people (Jackson Bird | TED Residency)
March 2023
The Mind Bending Art of Deep Time – Katie Paterson
Play with Smart Materials – Catrina Mota
We are Makers – Dale Dougherty
For fun - Why the pencil is perfect – Caroline Weaver
January 2023
Quiet the Noise, Soothe your Soul with Mindfulness and Meditation (Shannon Albarelli)
Life is Right Now (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains (Richard J. Davidson)
Paying Attention and Mindfulness (Sam Chase)
September 2022
The Importance of Fun and Laughter
Catherine Price: “Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life”
Why we laugh (Sophie Scott | TED2015)
Want to be happier? Stay in the moment (Matt Killingsworth | TEDxCambridge)
It's time for "The Talk" (Julia Sweeney | TED2010)
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (Tim Urban | TED2016)
May 2022
Music Therapy
Music Therapy & Medicine: A Dynamic Partnership | Dr. Deforia Lane |
Music Therapy and its Impact on the Brain | Elizabeth Stegemöller |
Between music and medicine | Robert Gupta |
March 2022
Want to be happy? Be grateful (David Steindl-Rast)
How gratitude rewires your brain (Christina Costa)
An Experiment in Gratitude: The Science of Happiness
Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. (Louie Schwartzberg)
January 2022
Title IX 50th Anniversary
How the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ influenced a generation of men | Billie Jean King |
October 2021
Guide to a Healthy Brain
Lisa Genova: How your memory works and why forgetting is totally OK
Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Matt Walker: Hacking your memory – with sleep
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend
Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
April 2021
What Makes A Good Life
"Say your truths and seek them in others” - Elizabeth Lesser’s
“The secret of living longer may be your social life” - Susan Pinker
“There is more to life than being happy” - Emily Esfahani Smith
“Life's Third Act” - Jane Fonda
March 2021
Beauty, Fragility and Wonder North and South: Antarctica and polar regions.
“Drawings That Show the Beauty and Fragility of Earth” - Zaria Forman
“Haunting Photos of Polar Ice” - Camille Seaman
“How Human Noise Affects Ocean Habitats” - Kate Stafford
“Animal Tales from Icy Wonderlands” - Paul Nicklen
February 2021
Communication and Collaboration
“10 ways to have a better Conversation” - Celeste Headlee
“How our friendship survives our opposing politics” - Caitlin Quattromani and Lauren Arledge
“Take ‘the other’ to Lunch” - Elizabeth Lesser
“Be an opportunity maker” - Kare Anderson
January 2021
New Year’s Resolutions
“Forget big change, start with a tiny habit” - BJ Fogg
“Watch 10 movies that were written or directed by women” - Naomi McDougall Jones
“Talk to a stranger every week” - Kio Stark
“The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit” - Christine Carter
November 2020
How to Host a TED Talk
"Stop Being a Bystander in Your Own Life" - Tracy Edwards
October 2020
"Success, failure and the drive to keep creating" - Elizabeth Gilbert
"Never, ever give up "- Diana Nyad
"The gift and power of emotional courage" - Susan David
"Life's third act" - Jane Fonda
"Three secrets of resilient people" - Lucy Hone
September 2020
Embracing Joy
"Why We Should Make Useless Things" - Simone Giertz
"Why We Laugh" - Sophie Scott
"A Hilarious Celebration of Life Long Female Friendship" - Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin
"How I Made Friends with Reality" - Emily Levine
"Where Joy Hides and how to find it" - Ingrid Fetell Lee
August 2020
Women’s Equity
"We Should All be Feminists"- Chimamanda Adichie
"Dangerous Times Calls for Dangerous Women" - Pat Mitchell
"The Political Progress Women Have Made and What is Next" - Cecile Richards
AAUW members listen to TED Talks on a selected theme either on their own or in a group and then meet to discuss the topic. Links to the selected TED Talks are sent to participants one week before the group meeting.
See the newsletter for the current schedule and how to RSVP. Meetings are held quarterly. The selections from the past give a good overview of the type of topics covered. If you would like to host a discussion, contact Stefanie Capps.
TED Talks discussed by AAUW Petaluma
June 2024
A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship | Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin • May 2015
What makes a good life? The longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger • November 2015
What makes a friendship last? | Mona Chalabi • October 2021
April 2024
Climate Change and the Ocean
Is Climate change slowing down the ocean? | Susan Lozier • July 2023
The ocean's ingenious climate solutions | Susan Ruffo |• October 2021
How pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry | Triona McGrath • February 2016
What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know | Al Gore • July 2023
A critical look at geoengineering against climate change | David Keith • September 2007
January 2024
Kiss Perfection Goodbye + Peter’s Spies
Birds aren't real? How a conspiracy takes flight (Peter McIndoe | TED2023)
Life is hard. Art helps (Liana Finck | TED2023)
Why you should embrace mediocrity (Crispin Thurlow | TEDxBasel)
How stress drains your brain — and what to do about it (Nicole Byers | TEDxSUNYUpstate)
How to do laundry when you're depressed (KC Davis | TEDxMileHigh)
Teach girls bravery, not perfection (Reshma Saujani | TED2016)
November 2023
Immigration and Refugees from the Perspective of Women
Don’t feel sorry for refugees, believe in them (Luma Mufleh/April 2017)
The fundamental right to seek asylum (Melanie Nezer/March, 2019)
What does it mean to be a refugee (Benedetta Berti & Evelien Borgman/january 2018)
Immigrant voices make democracy stronger (Sayu Bhojwani/September 2016)
September 2023
AI: Friend or Foe?
Why AI is incredibly smart and shockingly stupid
How does artificial intelligence learn?
The urgent risks of runaway AI
Could an Orca Give a Ted Talk
The inside story of ChatGPT’s astonishing potential
May 2023
A Deeper Dive into Gender Identity
The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain (Karissa Sanbonmatsu | TEDWomen 2018)
A short history of trans people's long fight for equality (Samy Nour Younes | TED Residency)
The gender-fluid history of the Philippines (France Villarta | TED@WellsFargo)
How to talk (and listen) to transgender people (Jackson Bird | TED Residency)
March 2023
The Mind Bending Art of Deep Time – Katie Paterson
Play with Smart Materials – Catrina Mota
We are Makers – Dale Dougherty
For fun - Why the pencil is perfect – Caroline Weaver
January 2023
Quiet the Noise, Soothe your Soul with Mindfulness and Meditation (Shannon Albarelli)
Life is Right Now (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains (Richard J. Davidson)
Paying Attention and Mindfulness (Sam Chase)
September 2022
The Importance of Fun and Laughter
Catherine Price: “Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life”
Why we laugh (Sophie Scott | TED2015)
Want to be happier? Stay in the moment (Matt Killingsworth | TEDxCambridge)
It's time for "The Talk" (Julia Sweeney | TED2010)
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (Tim Urban | TED2016)
May 2022
Music Therapy
Music Therapy & Medicine: A Dynamic Partnership | Dr. Deforia Lane |
Music Therapy and its Impact on the Brain | Elizabeth Stegemöller |
Between music and medicine | Robert Gupta |
March 2022
Want to be happy? Be grateful (David Steindl-Rast)
How gratitude rewires your brain (Christina Costa)
An Experiment in Gratitude: The Science of Happiness
Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. (Louie Schwartzberg)
January 2022
Title IX 50th Anniversary
How the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ influenced a generation of men | Billie Jean King |
October 2021
Guide to a Healthy Brain
Lisa Genova: How your memory works and why forgetting is totally OK
Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Matt Walker: Hacking your memory – with sleep
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend
Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
April 2021
What Makes A Good Life
"Say your truths and seek them in others” - Elizabeth Lesser’s
“The secret of living longer may be your social life” - Susan Pinker
“There is more to life than being happy” - Emily Esfahani Smith
“Life's Third Act” - Jane Fonda
March 2021
Beauty, Fragility and Wonder North and South: Antarctica and polar regions.
“Drawings That Show the Beauty and Fragility of Earth” - Zaria Forman
“Haunting Photos of Polar Ice” - Camille Seaman
“How Human Noise Affects Ocean Habitats” - Kate Stafford
“Animal Tales from Icy Wonderlands” - Paul Nicklen
February 2021
Communication and Collaboration
“10 ways to have a better Conversation” - Celeste Headlee
“How our friendship survives our opposing politics” - Caitlin Quattromani and Lauren Arledge
“Take ‘the other’ to Lunch” - Elizabeth Lesser
“Be an opportunity maker” - Kare Anderson
January 2021
New Year’s Resolutions
“Forget big change, start with a tiny habit” - BJ Fogg
“Watch 10 movies that were written or directed by women” - Naomi McDougall Jones
“Talk to a stranger every week” - Kio Stark
“The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit” - Christine Carter
November 2020
How to Host a TED Talk
"Stop Being a Bystander in Your Own Life" - Tracy Edwards
October 2020
"Success, failure and the drive to keep creating" - Elizabeth Gilbert
"Never, ever give up "- Diana Nyad
"The gift and power of emotional courage" - Susan David
"Life's third act" - Jane Fonda
"Three secrets of resilient people" - Lucy Hone
September 2020
Embracing Joy
"Why We Should Make Useless Things" - Simone Giertz
"Why We Laugh" - Sophie Scott
"A Hilarious Celebration of Life Long Female Friendship" - Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin
"How I Made Friends with Reality" - Emily Levine
"Where Joy Hides and how to find it" - Ingrid Fetell Lee
August 2020
Women’s Equity
"We Should All be Feminists"- Chimamanda Adichie
"Dangerous Times Calls for Dangerous Women" - Pat Mitchell
"The Political Progress Women Have Made and What is Next" - Cecile Richards
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Petaluma Branch
American Association of University Women
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Web Design by Ray Hendess
Petaluma Branch
American Association of University Women
All rights reserved
Web Design by Ray Hendess